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What is DecisionUSA?

Our mission is to keep the foundations of America and freedom alive. DecisionUSA Online is one of the ways we're doing that.

Join us in this important mission to preserve all that is good in America. 

Interested in providing educational content for DecisionUSA?

We are always looking for people who care about America, its citizens, and our freedom. DecisionUSA curates content and programming that allows viewers to learn and decide the kind of American they want to call home. Educational courses, webcasts, podcasts and content further American values and teach people of all ages about America.  


Become a DecisionUSA Sponsor

Sponsor our live election night coverage DecisionUSA 2024 and our efforts to bring data-driven election night coverage back to Americans. You can also sponsor our ongoing education efforts. 

Help us get this show on the road! Sponsor DecisionUSA 2024 today.
Every dollar matters, and every dollar goes to work for America.

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